Enhancing the discoverability of podcast content on Spotify.

Merging the Anchor Fm and Spotify experience so listeners can know where to start when finding new podcasts.

Spotify Cover Photo4.png

Role: UX/UI Designer, Strategist
Timeline: 1-2 days
Tools: Figma, Photoshop
Goal: Improve the discoverability of a podcast channel’s best episodes

Problem - “Where do I start?”

Discovering a new podcast you think you might be into is a good feeling but when there are 50+ episodes, it can be overwhelming as in, where do you start? The experience of listening to podcast episodes and listening to songs is quite different since a song is typically 2-3 minutes and a podcast is over 30 minutes long. Platforms like Apple Podcasts will surface “Best Episodes” on some podcast channels so you can get an idea where to start before diving into the dozen others, but Spotify doesn’t have anything like this.

Shameless plug: Check out my podcast here


With Spotify’s 2019 acquisition of Anchor.fm, a podcast creating and distribution platform, it provides an opportunity to merge functionalities from the two apps together to give Anchor users the ability to highlight their “best episodes” to be showcased on Spotify.


The general idea is an Anchor user chooses episodes they want to highlight and they are shown on their Spotify page alongside all of their episodes.

Design Consideration - Anchor.png
Design Consideration - Spotify.png

Side By Side - Old UI vs New UI